Our Global Studies Experience

Diverse & Inclusive Perspectives
Take Classes
- Processes of global transformation
- Complexities of our interconnected world
- Creative responses to worldwide challenges
- Digital tech & global cultures
- Global identities & belonging
Develop Skills
- Cultural awareness
- Intercultural communication
- Creative problem-solving
- Critical thinking
- Qualitative analysis
- Community outreach
Make Change
- Global citizenship
- Cultures of resistance
- International justice
- Decolonial anti-racism
- Equality across differences
- Ecological Engagement
Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities Michigan State University
619 Red Cedar Rd
B-331 Wells Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
PHONE: (517) 353-8848
FAX: (517) 355-4507
Our Mission
Our Global Studies Experience

(Study Abroad, Internships, etc.)

Theoretical & Practical Approaches

Innovative Research Initiatives

Dialogue Within & Across Colleges
Study literature, film, visual arts, performance, digital cultures, and other media to understand:
- Processes of global transformation
- Complexities of an increasingly interconnected world
- Innovative artistic and intellectual responses to global challenges
- Technologies of communication shaping global cultures
- Modes of belonging and the fashioning of global identities
Acquire critical knowledge of globalization and develop these high-demand skills:
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Creative problem-solving
- Global cultural awareness
- International experience
Acquire critical knowledge of globalization and develop these high-demand skills:
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Creative problem-solving
- Global cultural awareness
- International experience
Study literature, film, visual arts, performance, digital cultures, and other media to understand:
- Processes of global transformation
- Complexities of an increasingly interconnected world
- Innovative artistic and intellectual responses to global challenges
- Technologies of communication shaping global cultures
- Modes of belonging and the fashioning of global identities
Acquire critical knowledge of globalization and develop these high-demand skills:
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Creative problem-solving
- Global cultural awareness
- International experience
The arts and humanities play a vital role in the lives and careers of MSU students of any major. For example, what students learn in IAH might help whenever they need to:
- Think creatively to find a solution
- Find out more about the nuances instead of basing decisions on superficial knowledge (e.g., understand contexts)
- Communicate effectively
- Know about different cultures, identities, frameworks, and experiences
- Figure out which information to trust
- Think through the ethical considerations of a complicated situation
Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities emphasizes the analysis of cultural phenomena that express the rapidly changing values, conditions, and practices of the contemporary world. This unique academic program moves beyond common-place thinking about global cultures, and promotes a more nuanced awareness of the productive and destructive effects of globalization. We are not content with simple answers to the complex problems of our high-tech, increasingly interconnected global world. Students and scholars join together for an informed critical discussion of the place of the arts and humanities in representing, interpreting, and negotiating globalization.
- Flexible course selection
- Engaged experiential learning (study abroad, internships, etc)
- Diverse and inclusive perspectives
- Theoretical and practical approaches
- Innovative research initiatives
- Expanded dialogue within and across colleges
- Dynamic public programming
Jewish Studies Minor
The Jewish Studies Minor offered by the Serling Institute for Jewish Studies and Modern Israel introduces students to Israeli society as well as the history, religion, culture, and civilization of the Jewish people in Europe and the United States. Up to a total of three Hebrew language courses and all of the IAH course courses count towards fulfillment of the minor.
Our program of study is built around key global issues: Justice, Violence, Borders, Migration, Race, Gender, and Climate Change. Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities provides students with theoretical and practical skills to understand the cultural forms of globalization in an accelerated, interconnected, and mediated world. In parallel with sociological, political, and economic studies of “the global,” our courses emphasize critical analysis and creative responses to globalization. Our approach calls attention to the crucial role of words and images in shaping our experiences of globalization.
Study literature, film, visual arts, performance, digital cultures, and other media to understand:
- Processes of global transformation
- Complexities of an increasingly interconnected world
- Innovative artistic and intellectual responses to global challenges
- Technologies of communication shaping global cultures
- Modes of belonging and the fashioning of global identities
Acquire critical knowledge of globalization and develop these high-demand skills:
- Critical and analytical thinking
- Creative problem-solving
- Global cultural awareness
- International experience
Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities emphasizes the analysis of cultural phenomena that express the rapidly changing values, conditions, and practices of the contemporary world. This unique academic program moves beyond common-place thinking about global cultures, and promotes a more nuanced awareness of the productive and destructive effects of globalization. We are not content with simple answers to the complex problems of our high-tech, increasingly interconnected global world. Students and scholars join together for an informed critical discussion of the place of the arts and humanities in representing, interpreting, and negotiating globalization.
- Flexible course selection
- Engaged experiential learning (study abroad, internships, etc)
- Diverse and inclusive perspectives
- Theoretical and practical approaches
- Innovative research initiatives
- Expanded dialogue within and across colleges
- Dynamic public programming
Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities
Michigan State University
619 Red Cedar Rd
B-331 Wells Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027
PHONE: (517) 353-8848
FAX: (517) 355-4507
Russell Lucas
OFFICE: B-307 Wells Hall
PHONE: (517) 353-8848
EMAIL: relucas@msu.edu
Program Secretary
Jennifer Nelson
OFFICE: B-331 Wells Hall
PHONE: (517) 884-1516
EMAIL: nelsonje@msu.edu
Undergraduate Academic Adviser
Kate Rendi
OFFICE: 200 Linton Hall
PHONE: (517) 432-0837
EMAIL: rendikat@msu.edu
Schedule an advising appointment at https://msu.campus.eab.com