Global Studies in the Arts and Humanities invites faculty to affiliate with the program.  GSAH is working to expand the MSU network of scholars and teachers who are interested in opportunities for interdisciplinary teaching and a collaborative engagement on global issues.  By building connections within and across colleges with affiliated faculty, GSAH aims to bring the arts and humanities into dialogue with a broad range of disciplinary approaches to globalization. 

  • Affiliated faculty contribute to co-curricular activities sponsored by the program (conferences, lunches, brown-bags, reading groups and writing groups). 
  • Affiliated faculty courses in their home department can serve to fulfill GSAH student degree requirements.
  • Affiliated faculty can advertise their courses to GSAH students. 
  • Affiliated faculty can mentor GSAH majors’ capstone projects.
  • Affiliated faculty extend the program’s research and teaching network of scholars.

Please contact the program for affiliating with GSAH.  

Affiliated Faculty

Askari, Kaveh

Department of English
Associate Professor

Cinema and Media History in a Global Context

Aslami, Zarena

Department of English
Associate Chairperson for Graduate Studies, Associate Professor

19th Century British Literature

Borcila, Andaluna

James Madison College
Associate Professor

American Studies

Boyadjian, Tamar

Department of English
Assistant Professor

Medieval Studies

Chakrani, Brahim

Assistant Professor


Contreras, Sheila

Department of English
Associate Professor

20th Century and Contemporary Literature/US Latin, Literature, Film, and Culture

Das Gupta, Sejuti

James Madison College
Assistant Professor

Denzel, Valentina

Department of Romance and Classical Studies
Assistant Professor


Driver, Megan

Department of Romance and Classical Studies
Assistant Professor

Issa, Sadam

Assistant Professor


Iyioke, Ike

Center for Interdisciplinarity

Keune, Jon

Department of Religious Studies
Assistant Professor

South Asian Religions

Kononova, Anastasia

Department of Advertising + Public Relations

Associate Professor

Ma, Sheng-Mei

Department of English

Asian American and Asian Diaspora Studies/Film Studies/Postcolonial Literature and Culture/20th Century and Contemporary Literature

McCallum, Ellen

Department of English
Associate Professor

Critical Theory, Film Studies, Modernism

Merrill, Jason



Mittman, Elizabeth

Associate Professor


Pegler-Gordon, Anna

James Madison College
Associate Professor

American Studies

Pillai, Swarnavel

Department of English
Assistant Professor

Film Studies

Pregent, Grace

The Writing Center
Associate Director

Quispe-Agnoli, Rocio

Department of Romance and Classical Studies


Rohs, Stephen

James Madison College
Associate Professor

American Studies

Ryu, Catherine

Associate Professor


Sayed, Linda

James Madison College
Assistant Professor

Contemporary Middle East

Stowe, David

Department of English

20th Century and Contemporary Literature

Tans, Eric

MSU Library
Science Collections Coordinator and Environmental Sciences Librarian

Thobani, Sitara

Residential College in the Arts and Humanities
Assistant Professor

Performance Arts in Colonial and Post Colonial South Asia

White, Ann Eleanor-Folino

Department of Theatre
Associate Professor, Head of Theatre Studies

Theatre Studies and Directing

Wurst, Karin
