From May 14th to June 13th of 2022, I had the wonderful opportunity to study abroad in Lesvos, Greece. I participated in the Contemporary Culture, Politics, and Society program through the Department of Sociology within the College of Social Science.
I interned with three nonprofits that aim to assist the refugees that arrive and reside in the refugee camp on the island. Primarily, Europe Cares is an NGO that aims to create a community space in which the refugees can access medical services, language classes, recreational services, and ultimately a place to find comfort in. Secondly, I had the opportunity to work with When We Band Together. This NGO is a space for refugee women to receive childcare, health services, and a place of community with one another. Lastly, Iliaktida is an NGO that assists and houses unaccompanied minors. Through each of these NGOs, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of how NGOs function, the type of services they offer, and the necessity of these NGOs.

I want to thank the Sociology Department, Sophia Loufopoulou, and Brendan Mullan for making this trip possible and for allowing me to grow both professionally and personally. Additionally, I want to thank the College of Arts & Letters and specifically the GSAH department for preparing me academically through their courses for this opportunity.
Madison Hales