Hannah Robar
Senior Hannah Robar has explored the full range of what a liberal arts education has to offer during her time at Michigan State University. From incredible experiences studying abroad, hands-on internships, and a truly unique set of courses, Robar, who is graduating in May, has engaged with communities around the world and right here in East Lansing.

Kayla Jetton
Kaylah Jetton has been focused on going global since kindergarten and has no plans of stopping. From attending a language intensive grade school to majoring in Global Studies and studying abroad in Japan, the MSU senior has found her passion in helping others at home in Detroit and around the world.

Kiana Elkins
Finding Her Place at a Global Institution Kiana Elkins has taken advantage of everything MSU has to offer, including student scholarships, study abroad, and several interesting extracurricular opportunities.

Christian Okeefe

Okeefe is currently pursuing a Bachelors of Science in Anthropology and a Bachelors of Arts in Global Studies. She recently received the Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship award.
Terence Gipson
The 2015 GSAH graduate was named one of the 2015 Newman Civic Fellows. This year’s class honors a record 201 community-engaged students hailing from 36 states and Washington, DC. Nominated by college and university presidents, these student leaders represent the next generation of civic leaders. Through service, research, and advocacy, these Fellows are making the most of their college experiences to better understand themselves, the root causes of social issues, and effective mechanisms for creating lasting change.
Michael Robinson
The 2015 GSAH and Chinese graduate received a prestigious nomination to attend a G20 youth summit in Germany. Michael talks about this journey and the importance of internships and studying abroad here at MSU.
Charla Burnett
The 2013 GSAH graduate discusses her work making a documentary for the Refugee Development Center of Lansing.